Friday 21 March 2014

Just a quick post

Hi everyone,

I'm about to go to sleep and just had an idea so wanted to quickly write it down so it doesn't get lost for eternity, so thought might was well write it here!

Thinking about what we talked about today, giving out blank fliers for people to do what they like, and also lack of communication with strangers on tube etc. could be interesting to get people to write down what they think/general observations about others in the carriage, or could even draw them? Then get people to post it to the hashtag??

People aren't willing to talk to people around them in real life, but we are all so comfortable to say whatever we like to whoever we like in the online world. Could create an interesting environment if everyone has this same flyer, and knows that the people around them are sort of indirectly talking to them. Kind of like a real life online space if that makes any sense??? If we anonymously post entries that people send us then people could feel comfortable to write/draw what they like, and people could have fun speculating wether it's about them or not.

(Also had the idea that we could all go to ikea and steal loads of those tiny pencils to give out with the flyers incase people don't have their own pens. But maybe that's just because I'm craving their meatballs with that delicious sauce.....)

Basically I'm half asleep so sorry if this makes no sense, just thought I'd write it down!

Oh and also, we should definitely meet up this week. When is good for everyone? Wednesday?



  1. Nice idea - I think you're right that you'll need to set up some anonymous entries first to get the ball rolling. Having worked in galleries where we were continually trying to get people to 'engage' in events, I have to say though, that it's often very hard work trying to 'incite' people to 'participate' and it's sometimes hard to get a big response. You could give it a go to see what happens, but people might need some kind of additional incentive to participate. Time is a scare commodity for people...Still perhaps I'm a cynic. Prove me wrong!

  2. Hi Bernadette,

    Thanks for this! That does sound like a good idea. I feel people are way to involved with themselves in public spaces, especially when confronted to participate. If we think of something that allows them to think it was their idea, and to naturally engage in the activity and themselves, we could be much more successful.

    @Nadia - Wednesday is good for me, some of us have class that day until the afternoon, I'll be free by 2pm. Could meet in the library around that time.
    Who's in?

  3. yeah 2pm weds sounds good! x
