Friday 25 April 2014

Keep Creating... Its Your Time


This was the flyer we made that we wanted to distribute into areas of other peoples time that we believed was wasted time in order to provide them with the means to do something within this period. What we wanted to achieve by distributing these was to provide an outlet for people in certain periods of their day, an outlet that not only allowed them to create something personal to them but to see if they could capitalise on the wasted time within their routine. By reclaiming this time by doing something creative we wanted to change what we believed to be wasted time into something that could be deemed leisure time. The aim to increase the aspects of leisure time within the everyday routine was to break away from the work, work, work mantra and to create spaces and means to enhance leisure.
Over the past month, I have left these flyers in a space personal to my everyday that I believed was wasted time. I work in a couple of cafes and everyday I see people standing and waiting in queues. They stand in silence, waiting and waiting, watching the a couple of minutes pass by until they receive what they ordered. This was time I believed that people could be capitalising on, especially as the majority of customers were often coming to me before or just after work, or on their breaks. This is time that is their free time away from work. It is time away from the hassle of labour, it is their free time. However by just standing there doing nothing they are not capitalising on this time away from the workplace, and by us providing them with the means to do something in this time we wanted to provide them with a means to enhance this time into time of leisure.
I left these flyers next to where people queued and waited for their order. What I found really interesting and enjoyed to see was that when I called out peoples orders, rather than them standing ready and waiting, they were distracted. They were busy scribbling down on the flyers, and when I finally got their attention they were more relaxed, not agitated by the wait.
Often people would take the flyers away with them, but these were some I managed to collect. These are physical representations of time that was reclaimed from what could be seen as the work/not-work routine. They are not works of art, but pieces that have reclaimed time that represent the politics of the wasted time within our everyday.

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